Friday, September 26, 2008

Paulo Koehlo - magic is a bridge....

От този писател съм чела само една книга,която е "Демонът и синьорита Прим". Сега си купих новият му роман - "Брида" на английски,който той е писал отдавна,още преди "Алхимикът" но незнайно защо е публикувана чак сега...според мен книгата е невероятна. Тук ще напиша някои цитати от нея... По-късно някъде тук и от други негови книги. Купила съм си вече...

"An anonymous text from the Tradition says,that,in life,each person can take one of two attitudes: to build or to plant. The builders might take years over their tasks,but one day,they finish what they're doind. Then they find that they're hemmed in by their own walls. Life loses it's meaning when the building stops.
Then there are those who plant. They endure storms and all the manny vicissitudes of the seasons,and they rarely rest. But unlike a building,a garden never stops growing. And while it requires the garden's constant attention,it also allows life for the gardener to be a great adventure. Gardeners always recognise each other,because they know that in the history of each plant lies the growth of the whole World..."

"Magic is a bridge. A bridge that allows you to walk from the visible world over into the invisible world,and to learn the lessons of both those worlds.
-And how can I learn to cross that bridge?
-By discovering your own way of crossing it.Everyone has their own way."

"That is why,as well az dividing into two,we also find ourselves. And that process of finding ourselves is called Love. Because when a soul devides,it always devides into a male part and a female part."

"In each live,we feel a misterious obligation to find at least one of those Soulmates. The Greater Love that separated them feels pleased with the Love that brings them together again.
-But how will I know who my Soulmate is?
-By taking risks. By risking failure,disappointment,disullusion,but never ceasing in your search for Love. As long as you keep looking,you will triumph in the end.
-Is it possible to meet more than one Soulmate in each life?
-Yes.And when that happens,the heart is devided,and the result is pain and suffering. Yes,we can meet three or four Soulmates,because we are scattered."

"Women are generally seeking their Soulmate,and men are looking for Power."

"You concern yourself too much with other people. They're a mirror of yourself.
-Yes,I know. I thought I knew what made me happy and what made me sad,then suddenly I realised that I need to think again. But it's very hard.
-What made you change your mind?
-Love. I know a man who makes me feel complete. Three years ago,he showed me that his world is full of mysteries too and that I'm not alone.
The Magus remained impassive,but he was remembering the thought he'd had earlier about God's blessing sometimes shattering the windows.
-Do you love him? - he asked.
-What I've realised is that I could love him still more. Even if I learn nothing new on this path,at least I will have learned one important thing: We have to take risks."
"She had known love before,but until that night love had also meant fear. The fear,however slight,was always a veil: you could see almost everything through it,but not the colours. And at that moment,with her Soulmate there before her, she understood that love was a feeling completely bound up with colours,like thousands of rainbows superimposed one on top of the other.
-How much I missed simply because I was afraid of missing it..." - she thought,gazing at those rainbows..."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Heart shaped glasses ..."

She always wanted to have glasses with a frame like this... she loved this shape. But what does it really mean? That was the wirdest day in her life...she felt a strange boll in her stomach was melting like a wax in her body. But she was cold. Because she was alone. She opened the photo album and looked at the photos. Photos,which maybe doesn't mean anything for anybody...except for her. These photos were special. They were talking to her in every moment of her life. They ment so much for her... there was one of them which was separated in two. It used to be her favourite one. She remembered that night...the forest,beautiful flames of the fire with hot soot all over them. Her eyes became bloody and sad. She dropped the photo and took of her heart shaped ribbon.It was a gift from...him. She convulsed and started sobing. There was nobody to soothe her,to hold her. She felt so alone. But she subsided...her decision for years was to be independent,to be separate. She was so tired of cheats. Everything she needed was to be happy. Suddenly she felt it- the happiness,her liberty. She stood up and went to the kitchen bargingly. Then the bell rang. She didn't want to answer it, but she felt at this very moment the same boll in her stomach. She knew that she must answer. She opened the door...there wasn't anybody. Only a little box with an old sheet on it. She picked up the sheet and read : "Happy birthday,my little girl with blue eyes..." . It was written with ugly little letters...but at these moment they were the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen in her life. She opened the box...there was her dream. The heart shaped glasses ... but now she understood that her dream wasn't to possess glasses like these ... her dream was that little letter . The happiness . Because that letter brought her so much happiness ... her eyes became clear. Clear,blue and tender . Just like the eyes she had when she was a child ...
Don't be a gardener of your Love...